Welcome to Off the Wall!

I’m David R. Mellor, Senior Director of Grounds Boston Red Sox, author, PTSD survivor, proud husband and dad, and motivational speaker. I love baseball, science and being outside; for over 30 years
I've combined these loves for a career as a Major League groundskeeper. I oversee everything that involves Fenway Park’s playing field and work in the shadow of its iconic left field wall, the Green Monster. I named this blog “Off the Wall” because
It matters how you play the game in both baseball and life
The microclimate caused by the 37'2" (11.33 meter) foot high, dark green wall effects the agricultural practices we use in left field
Some of my story is a bit unbelievable.
In this blog I plan to include
Insight to caring for sports turf and home lawns
Stories of my life on and off the field
Beanballs- in my case it wasn't baseballs that came hurling at me, it was cars. Yes, the plural is not a typo.
One base at a time- an old baseball saying that has helped me overcome adversity and get to where I am today
My thoughts and inspiration on dealing with adversity
To anyone dealing with PTSD:
You are not alone.
Help is available.
Treatment works
It does get better.
Thank you and let's go!